University of Miami | Advising Compact

 The Advising Compact


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Student’s Responsibilities

  1. Advisees will develop educational goals and a tentative plan of study, which should include their ideas for majors, minors, cognates, research experiences, internships, study abroad opportunities, career options (Toppel Career Center), graduate school prerequisites, and coursework outside their field of study.
  2. Advisees will select cognates that align with their educational interests and goals.
  3. Advisees will be familiar with the University Bulletin, major and minor requirements, Cognate Search Engine, and academic calendar.
  4. Advisees will prepare a preliminary semester course schedule.
  5. Advisees should regularly check their University communications (i.e. emails, text messages, notifications, etc.) and adhere to the publicized timelines and deadlines for appointments with advisors.

Advisors' Responsibilities

  1. Advisors will be the first point of contact for educational advice; be attentive to their advisee’s individual educational interest; explore broad educational goals beyond specific degree requirements; and inform advisees of academic, career, and research opportunities.
  2. Advisors will help each advisee identify the cognate options that match the student’s goals and interests and will guide the advisee to the appropriate Responsible Academic Unit (RAU) for cognate inquiries.
  3. Advisors will help their advisees learn about requirements of other Schools/Colleges and programs and will help advisees contact the appropriate individuals in other Schools/Colleges and departments.
  4. Advisors will be familiar with the University Bulletin, Cognate Search Engine, academic calendar, and adhere to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.
  5. Advisors will help advisees develop academic degree plans and officially declare them in CaneLink. They also will assist advisees with the prerequisites and semester schedule of course offerings.
  6. Advisors will continue to engage with advisees and make their best effort to respond to inquiries within one week.
Should you have any questions or concerns about your advising, first contact the academic troubleshooter in your school or college. For further assistance, you may contact Michael Stokes, Director for Academic Initiatives & Academic Ombudsperson (, or the Student Government Director of Academic Affairs (

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